Low and High Risk Behavior
Educate yourself and your college-bound students about the differences between low risk and high risk drinking, and remind them that any underage drinking is risky behavior and illegal.

Lower risk drinking is:
- Being 21 or older.
- Knowing your limit.
- Thinking about whether or not you will drink and what you will drink before the party.
- Eating a complete meal before drinking.
- Alternating alcohol-free drinks throughout the evening or event.
- Having a plan; knowing how you will get home safely.
- Making sure you and your friends have each other’s backs.
- Recognizing that, in some settings, the safer amount to drink will be little or none. Not all parties and clubs are equally safe!
- Recognizing that abstaining from consuming alcohol is the safest choice.
Higher risk drinking is:
- Binge drinking (4 or more drinks in a day for a woman, 5 or more drinks in a day for a man)
- Pregaming, chugging, drinking games, drinking anything out of a punch bowl, garbage can, trough, hose or funnel.
- Drinking to get drunk (intoxicated).
- Driving after drinking or riding with someone under the influence.
- Drinking too much too fast.
- Going to parties where people drink too much.
- Going to a party or social event alone or where you don’t know anyone.
- Not knowing what is in your glass or leaving it unattended.
- Mixing alcohol with drugs (legal or illegal) or medications.
Risky behaviors run together.
As compared to nondrinkers, teens who drink are more likely to get into a car with a driver who has been drinking, smoke pot, use inhalants, or carry a weapon. Binge drinking substantially increases the likelihood of these activities.
By preventing easy teen access to alcohol, we can reduce the occurrences of these risky behaviors and their consequences.
Use the campaign materials available below to help us keep alcohol out of kids’ hands.
Don’t serve teens.